ConwayGo: Rules
It's a simple game. There are only two types of pieces:
First, the ball:
second, the players: 
And two types of moves exist:
Put a player on the board.
When the mouse cursor is over an empty place of the board,
a blue cirle is shown:
Click a mouse key and a blue ball is added at this place.
(The players are also called "philosophers" because they never move.
You remember the Monty Python's version of "philosophers' football"?)
Jump with the ball.
Move the mouse cursor over the ball.
If there is an adjacent player, a red circle is shown around the
Click to enter the jump mode; then click on the target place(s).
The ball jumps over an adjacent player and lands directly behind him, the players are removed:
You can move in all 8 directions and also over several players at once.
And you can jump several times in one move:
It is not allowed to jump off the board on the left or the right side.
The goal of the game is to reach or to exceed the base line of the enemy with the ball.
The first player plays to the top, the second to the bottom of the field.
That's all!